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May 12, 2022 – Member meeting: Gigamon Threat Detection in Zero Trust Architecture – The search for truth and observability

Registration Required: May 12th, 2022 7 PM – 9 PM

Greg Maples, CISSP, will review a brief history of ZTA and focus on the fundamental issue of a search for network and data ‘truth’.  Join to listen, review, and differentiate visibility from observability and suggest possible new ways to think about ZTA.

The content will focus on how all tools are subject to being spoofed/avoided, and that the only source of ‘truth’ is what’s actually on the wire.

Discussion will include how to intercept traffic, the differences between a tap and a span, and that spans cannot be considered to be objective.

We will discuss observability as a pipeline, and some thoughts around deeper observation. 

Speaker: Greg Maples, CISSP is a Consulting Security Architect for Gigamon. He has been involved in computer networking since his involvement in the original ARPANet project that became the Internet. He has been specializing in security protocols and web/DDOS issues for many years and has more recently been focusing on threat detection in a zero-trust world.

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