What is Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) and How companies use it to improve the security of their applications
Please register for Annual Election and Member meeting – Interactive application security testing (IAST) on Jan 14, 2021, 7:00 PM PST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/649459940188431886
Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) is a relatively new technology that complements existing application security testing technologies.
In this presentation, we will be discussing a wide range of topics:
- History and current state of IAST,
- Typical challenges of building security in DevOps,
- State of adoption of IAST,
- IAST relationship to SAST, DAST, SCA and RASP, IAST and threat modeling,
- IAST applicability,
- IAST and the cloud,
- Instrumentation overview,
- Data flow analysis,
- How to instrument an application,
- How to triage results,
- Sensitive data tracking,
- IAST pros and cons,
- Live demo of an IAST solution

Eugene Pakhomov, CISSP
For the last few years, Eugene Pakhomov’s main focus was introducing Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) technology to multiple customers in the Bay Area and throughout the country. Having worked in both Synopsys and Contrast Security, Eugene has a unique experience of bringing leading IAST technologies to the market and helping customers to incorporate IAST in their programs.

Asma Zubair, Product Manager, Sr. Staff at Synopsys Inc
Asma Zubair is a seasoned product leader with extensive experience managing and launching products and services in the application security and application protection space. At Synopsys, Asma manages Seeker, the industry’s first IAST solution with active verification and sensitive-data tracking for web-based applications. Prior to Synopsys, Asma led teams at WhiteHat Security, The Find (Facebook), and Yahoo!. Asma holds a degree in electrical engineering from IIT in India and an MBA from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.
Sponsored by Synopsys

8:30 PM – The 2021 Annual Meeting of ISC2 East Bay Chapter Members
The 2021 Annual Meeting of Members will be held as part of our January Member event and is open to all members, providing an electronic vote to elect Directors and Officers of the Chapter to serve for stated terms or until their successors are duly qualified and elected.
This meeting also serves to ratify our unchanged amendments to the Chapter Bylaws, which have been adopted by the Board of Directors since the 2020 Annual Meeting of Members. Summaries of the amendments are found at: https://isc2-eastbay-chapter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/By-LawsTheISC2EastBayChapter.pdf.
The ballot for the Board of Directors is open until January 14th, 2021. Anyone wishing to nominate a member or themselves to any position should email their intention to secretary@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org, indicate their intention to run for a position, and include a very short bio, their ISC2 ID, and the position for which they would like to serve. Our ByLaws provide rules for specific roles, however, we welcome new members and hope anyone wishing to participate sees a role for themself. People are also welcome to reach out to any member of the existing board and to collaborate about ways to be a leader in this community.
Annually the East Bay Chapter has nominations and an election of Executive Officers (Board) for the upcoming year.
Members must be registered with the Chapter and in attendance to vote. Board positions are 2-year terms. In light of the Pandemic, Several Board positions have agreed to serve for additional time. Candidates must be an active Chapter member for at least one year except for the role of President. The presidential candidate must be a member in good standing for at least two years and have previous experience as a member of the board.
Send nominations to secretary@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org.
This year’s ballot of held and open positions are:
Position | Duties | Candidates |
President | Responsible for presiding over the business meetings and ensures that all rules and regulations are observed, appoints and serves as a member of all committees, decides tie votes and ensures that all officers faithfully perform their duties. Must have (ISC)2 Credential in good standing. | Robin Basham (current) Write-in: |
Vice President | Responsible to co-assist in operations and general administration of the Chapter and assumes the responsibilities of President and Secretary when they are unavailable. Must have (ISC)2 Credential in good standing. | Istvan Berko (current) Write-in: |
Treasurer | Responsible for keeping an accurate and complete record of all chapter receipts and expenditures, develop detailed accounting reports, and file any necessary financial applications or forms required by (ISC)2 or applicable laws. Must have (ISC)2 Credential in good standing. | Gary Dylina (current) Write-in: |
Secretary | Conduct meetings, record proceedings of the chapter, assist in the election process, write correspondence, and prepare reports to (ISC)2 and assist in general operations as needed. Must have (ISC)2 Credential in good standing. | Carmen Parrish (current) Write-in: |
Director Programs | Organizing and hosting events, seminars, and other functions of the Chapter, liaison with the Director Marketing, and Director – Operations, assist in content development for the Chapter website, and assist in the general operations of the Chapter as needed; should always work in the interest of East Bay Chapter. | Denise Bonds (current) Write-in: |
Director Education | Responsible for assisting the Chapter members with their continuing education (CE) efforts, to provide information about the CE opportunities, and to assist in the general operations of the Chapter as needed. | Maura Jones (current) Write-in: |
Director – Membership | Responsible for promoting the membership growth of Chapter, ensuring smooth entry for new members, and maintaining accurate membership records. Must have (ISC)2 Credential in good standing. | Kerry Bryan (current) Write-in: |
Director – Communications & Marketing | Responsible for marketing the events and seminars of the Chapter, liaison with President and Director-Programs, and assist in the general operations of the Chapter as needed. | Krishnan Thiruvengadam (current) Write-in: |
Director – Cybersecurity Awareness | Responsible for raising Cybersecurity awareness in the community via educating kids, seniors, parents, etc., about internet safety, cyberbullying etc., based on “Safe and Secure Online” or similar organizations, and assist in general operations as needed. | Write-in: |
Director – Sponsorship | Responsible for reaching out to industry and businesses to seek donations and sponsorship for the Chapter, Chapter events, and assist in general operations as needed. This role reports to the President and Treasurer. | Write-in: |
Director – Career Development | Responsible for assisting, guiding, and mentoring the Chapter members with career development and assist in general operations as needed, for gathering and updating the jobs page for the chapter website. | Write-in: |
Conferences Committee | This position does not require election. Members are welcome to participate in conference committee planning, offering a chance to bring speakers, plan events, coach presenters, and coordinate the physical day of our one day them-based training | Write-in: |
Technology and Web Design | Our chapter welcomes anyone with an eye towards web site maintenance, a flare for digital records management, the desire to help in building our community relationship. Just let us know who you are so we can include you in the appropriate team meetings. | Write-in: |
People are welcome to reach out to any existing member to learn more about their role.
president@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Robin Basham
vicepresident@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Istvan Berko
treasurer@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Gary Dylina
secretary@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Carmen Parrish
membership@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Kerry Bryan
programs@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Denise Bonds
marketing@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Krishnan Thiruvengadam
education@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Maura Jones
conferencedirector@isc2-eastbay-chapter.org Robin Basham