Registration required: December 8, 2022, 7:00pm – 9:00pm Pacific Time
7:00 – 8:00 PM Session One: Digital Disruption and the importance of Cyber Security in the Digital Age
Topic Summary
- The 4th Industrial Revolution – Digital Disruption
- Changing the way we deliver products and services to the market place; Changing who we deliver products and services to; Changing how our products and services are consumed.
- The challenges of CISO in the Digital Age
- Going beyond Data Security
About our speaker, Ralph Presciutti, VP, Cloud Services, Advantage Communications Group

Ralph Presciutti brings over 40 years’ experience in technology design, implementations and strategic planning. His roles have included CEO, CIO, CTO and Director of Information Technology across several vertical markets including healthcare, manufacturing, construction, consulting services, education, legal, and government. Ralph’s range of responsibilities have included Business Focused IT Strategies, Cloud Computing; IT Transformation, Enterprise Architecture, Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery, and many others.
Ralph’s career brings significant experience in aligning technology with business strategy and in positioning technology as an enabler to drive organizational efficiencies and provide a tangible business growth; including how to eliminate delays in the execution of critical business process, transform IT from a Cost Center to a Profit Center and provide IT services to the business to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Ralph has developed Cloud Computing strategies for adopting this new computing model with a systemic, well-orchestrated plan focusing results on business advantages.
He is passionate about the future of technology and the disruptive changes of the Digital Age and how it will transform the way IT services are delivered to businesses. Will we consume more and more technology or will those same technologies consume us?
Specialties: IT Strategic Planning, Enterprise Architect; IT Transformation; Cloud Computing

Visit to learn more.
8:00 – 9:00 PM Session Two: The Year We Had and The Year Ahead – Thanks and Acknowledgements to our Board and Sponsors
- President Robin Basham – Adding members, meeting sponsors, supporting presentations, growing membership, surviving, thriving, attracting an expanded board
- Vice President Istvan Berko, teaching, supporting, managing meetings
- Treasurer and Finance Director Gary Dylina, mentoring, legal and financial management
- Secretary Carmen Parrish, keeping a true and meaningful record, enforcing and promoting our bylaws
- Director Technology Craig Porter, new website, automation, enablement (new child)
- Director Marketing & Communication Krishnan Thiruvengadam, consistent and timely communication, integrity, discretion, balance
- Director of Education & Career Development Jack Rasmus-Vorrath, new groups, new certifications, leading the education charge
- Director of Outreach Maura Jones, attending everything, promoting us everywhere, world travel

(ISC)2 East Bay Chapter is in its ninth year of operation, providing a cybersecurity and GRC community with friendship, education, challenge, and opportunities to grow in our careers.
There are several benefits to being a member of an (ISC)2 Chapter. Not only will you gain a sense of fellowship with colleagues in your profession, but you will be able to network and exchange knowledge with fellow (ISC)2 credential holders and other information security professionals in your local area.
- Engage in leadership roles
- Earn CPEs by participating in professional activities
- Receive special discounts on (ISC)2 products and programs
- Participate in co-sponsored events with other industry associations
- Assist (ISC)2 initiatives by speaking at industry events or writing articles for publication
- Participate in local community outreach projects (public service) to educate people about information security