Please contact Jeremy Hein, Careers Director, if you would like help furthering your career or filling an employment opportunity.
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Local government IT jobs within 50 miles
Indeed cybersecurity jobs within 50 miles
LinkedIn cybersecurity jobs within 50 miles
Google cyber security job search
Application and Resume Tips
Make sure to align your application/resume to the job you are applying for. The more your application/resume matches the job description, duties, knowledge, and skills required, the better match you are for the job!
Need more help? Send me an email! I’m happy to help!
Interviewing Tips
Be honest, but don’t air dirty laundry! Only share negative experiences if you can also share how you turned it positive!
Trouble with the inevitable final interview question, “Do you have any questions for us?” Try coming up with a list of questions to ask specific to the organization and how you might expand on the interviewer’s response, then memorize and practice what you are going to say.
Trouble answering questions in an interview? Trouble feeling confident? Try memorizing and practicing your answers to some of these questions. Try catering them to the job you are interviewing for or hope to be interviewing for!